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Live Stream Host Training

Live Stream Host Training

With hundreds of F-Commerce's live stream Host training experience, we have summed up a set of methodologies that can quickly help people with zero foundation (no experience) to become a qualified live stream host. Through 48 hours of high-intensity learning and practice, from the aspects of TikTok live broadcast logic, Host speech skills, data analysis, etc., people can master the skills and abilities needed by TikTok host live broadcast in a short time.

Students will also have the Real simulation of live broadcast, so they can experience the host operations in a 100% real environment, and also help students to easily understand the " Live Stream host feeling" and material.

Live Operation Training

Live Operation Training

F-Commerce has more than 20 full-time live broadcast operators. In the process of serving different well-known brands, they have a deep understanding of live broadcast operations, and have turned this understanding into practical methods that can be standardized and cultivated. Through this method, in 2 days, people who have no foundation in live broadcast operation can be successfully trained to master the corresponding skills and abilities of live broadcast operation, and establish a deeper cognition and understanding of live broadcast, so as to engage in live broadcast operation.

TikTok Monetization Training

TikTok Monetization Training

As the leading TSP in Indonesia, F-Commerce has a complete service link and service capability of TikTok. As an early service provider of TikTok in Indonesia, F-Commerce has a deep understanding of TikTok. From account creation, how to grow your new account, short video content, live broadcast and others, they have rich practical operation ability. Based on these foundations, F-Commerce is willing to help more merchants and individuals to enhance their ability to make money with the TikTok platform through one-month online class training.

Review Live Operation

Ahmad is one of live operations staff graduate from f education training

Training Live operation yang telah saya jalani di F-Commerce sangatlah seru dan menyenangkan. Dengan training yang hanya berlangsung 2 hari, saya bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar dan mendapatkan banyak ilmu dengan menyenangkan secara singkat. Dari segi pengajaran sangatlah jelas dan interaktif yang menyenangkan membuat training tidak terasa terlalu serius tapi tetap mendapatkan pembelajaran yang disampaikan.

Tuanku Muda Belia
Iqbal Testimonial photo for f education

Halo kak, terimakasih atas trainingnya 2 hari kemarin ya kak. Gara gara kakak aku dapet banyak banget ilmu dari sana mulai dari fungsi fungsi dashboard, cara menaikan suatu traffic, cara solving dari suatu masalah di live room dll. Training nya juga seru dan mudah di mengerti buat aku yang susah mengerti.. Kedepannya aku harap masih bisa terus belajar sama kakak ya 😬✌️ thank you!

Faisal Firgi
live operation staff take group photo after finished on job training

Thank u so much for the training opportunity nya ka!

Seru banget bisa kenal sama temen-temen baru, ilmu-ilmu baru tentang TikTok yang menurut aku penting, dan sayang banget buat dilewatin! Hopefully aku bisa ketemu lagi sama trainer nya dan temen-temen buat diskusi dan belajar lagi tentang Live Operation TikTok yang menurut aku bakal kepake banget di dunia kerja apalagi TIKTOK! aplikasi yang banyak banget orang pakee!! 🥺😭💯✨

Mahardhika Chandra

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